Write a Letter to The Postmaster Complaining Against the Postman of Your Area

Write a Letter to The Postmaster Complaining Against the Postman of Your Area (Complaint Against Postman)


A-B 201, Sarojani Nagar,

New Delhi


The Post Master,

Sarojani Nagar, Post Office

New Delhi




Subject :- Complaint Against Postman


In the capacity of the President of the Residents Welfare Association of this Colony I want to bring to your notice the negligence on the part of the postman of our beat. Shree Ram Prakash has been newly transferred to our locality. The regular delivery of the mail has been completly disturbed ever since his arrival on duty here. (Complaint Against Postman)


Sh. Ram Prakash is very careless in the discharge of his allotted duties. He distributes the mail casually to the wrong people. He never bothers to drop the letters in the letter boxes fixed at the main gates for this purpose. Consequently the important letters do not reach the person concerned.

The postman is very rude and arrgant in his behaviour. He demands a handsome gratification whenever he happens to deliver a money order, a parcel or a registered letter. He distributes the dak only thrice a week. In a nutshell he is irregular, careless, quarrelsome and characterless. He never misses a chance of eve teasing a young girls or woman of he finds her alone in the house.


The residents of our colony are sick of his foul activities. He doesnt improve himself inspite of our requests and threats. In the light of the above facts you are requested to instrct him to discharge his duties sincerely and in a responsible manner.


Thanking you


Yours faithfully

Joginder Sharma

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