Indefinite Pronoun and Relative Pronoun with Examples

Indefinite Pronoun and Relative Pronoun


Lets learn about

  1. Indefinite Pronouns
  2. Relative Pronouns
  3. Usage of Relative Pronouns



Once there were four managers. Their names were Somebody, Everybody, Anybody, and Nobody. They were very busy people, but whenever there was an important job to be done, Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. When Nobody did it, Somebody got angry because it was Everybodys job. Everybody thought that Anybody would do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody would not do it. So, consequently, Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.


We cannot do anything about the four managers. But, we can certainly do something about the highlighted words!  The highlighted words in this interesting story are called Indefinite Pronouns.

Indefinite pronouns refer to things or people without mentioning what or who they are. They can all be used in place of nouns, which is why they are called pronouns, but they are also a little vague, or indefinite, about how many or which nouns they take the place of.



  • Singular:-  another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, other, somebody, someone and something.
  • Plural :- both, few, many, others and several.
  • Singular or Plural :- all, any, more, most, none and some.


Given below is a list of some of the most common indefinite pronouns.


alleach onefewnothingseveral
anyeach othermanyonesome
anybodyeitherneitherone anothersomebody



The pronouns that introduce a dependent clause and connect it to the independent clause are called relative pronouns. They are called relative pronouns as the clause that they introduce relates to noun that precedes them. Who, whose, whom, which and that are the relative pronouns and the nouns to which they refer are called their antecedents.



  • Mr Kobe, who is a native of London, is not the owner of this car. (Mr Kobe – antecedent, who – relative pronoun)
  • A grove of trees that is at the outskirts of the city is for sale. (A grove of trees – antecedent, that – relative pronoun)
  • I dont want to wear the shoes whose soles come off. (shoes – antecedent, whose – relative pronoun)

Usage of Relative Pronouns

Who is used for persons only. It may refer to a singular or a plural noun.



The woman who is sitting in the park is my aunt.

Which is used for non-living things and for animals. It may refer to a singular or plural noun.



The fish which was caught by a fisherman was put back into the river.

What refers to things only. It is used without an antecedent expressed, and is equivalent to ‘which’ when used for non-living things.


I gave him what he asked for

That is used for persons and things. It may refer to a singular or a plural noun.



The birds that flew over the green farms had migrated from some other country.

The word whom is used as an object and is used for people.



  • The person, whom you met in the office, is my uncle.

Worksheet – 1

Indefinite Pronoun and Relative Pronoun


Fill in the blanks with indefinite pronouns


  1. ________________succeeds success.
  2. ________________was there to rescue the child.
  3. ________________told me your father was not well.
  4. ________________came to see him in the hospital.
  5. They dont need _______________
  6. They need________________
  7. Is there _________________ in the house
  8. Rinki wants _____________ to eat.
  9. Rudra didnt go____________
  10. ___________________is not really bothered of what you are wearing.
  11. He wishes to go ____________________else.
  12. Has_________________seen my grammar book.
  13. Is there______________in the refrigerator.
  14. __________________is fond of fun and enjoyment.
  15. ______________________assembled there to watch him speak.
  16. ___________________officials came for the meeting.
  17. _____________________of them spoke anything.
  18. _____________________of us didnt know about the accident.
  19. ___________________are born great.
  20. Can_________________see that star.

Worksheet – 2 – Indefinite Pronoun and Relative Pronoun


Pick out the appropriate indefinite pronoun from the bracket and fill in each blank.


  1. _________________tried to go through the doorway at the same time. (Anyone, Someone)
  2. Did_______________see anything. (anyone, no one) 
  3. There is not_____________money left in my purse. (much, any) 
  4. Your purse could have been taken by______________ (anyone, no one)
  5. It is impossible to satisfy _____________(everyone, no one)
  6. __________________left during the intermission. (Many, Other)
  7. ____________________should speak only when asked to. (One, Each)
  8. ________________informed me that he is not coming. (Nobody, Everyday)
  9. __________________is better than nothing. (Anything, Something)
  10. _______________in the audience were disappointed to see the horrible play. (Something, Many)
  11. I was waiting for somebody, but _______ come. (no one, everyone)
  12. Is there __________ to eat. (anything, everything)
  13. Yes, there is ________________ in the refrigerator. (something, many)

Worksheet – 3


Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns


  1. We always like boys______________speak the truth.
  1. We saw the dog______________chased the cat.
  1. He____________does his best shall be praised.
  1. I know_____________you mean.
  1. She has gone to Chennai,_______________is her birth place.
  1. I have seen the birds________you described.
  1. I do not know the man__________hit the boy.
  1. He gave away___________he did not need.
  1. There is no one____________has not lost a friend.
  2. Here is the pen___________you lost.
  1. Most people get___________they deserve.
  1. Time____is lost is never found again.
  1. I did not know the person__________called up on my mobile.
  2. He is a man_______you can trust.
  1. Where is the book_____________I gave you.
  1. Is this the street______________leads to the station
  1. The letter____________you wrote never arrived.
  1. Listen to______________I say
  1. He______________is merciful shall meet mercy.
  1. Did you receive the letter________________I sent yesterday
  2. Mr Pandey,________________you met last Sunday is a doctor.
  3. ________________do you believe him to be
  1. Do you know________________has happened.
  2. ____________is done cannot be undone.
  1. Have you seen my comb__________was kept on the rack
  1. Do you know_________house is this
  1. God helps those______________help themselves.
  1. No man can lose______he never had.

Worksheet – 4

Indefinite Pronoun and Relative Pronoun


Underline the relative pronouns in the following sentences


  1. The pen that you gave me is a very good one.
  2. The answer, which you gave is not right.
  3. I know the woman whose child was hurt.
  4. Bring me the letters which the postman had delivered.
  5. Marry, whom you just met is my best friend.
  6. Hari saw the man who had been hurt.
  7. We met the sailors whose ship was wrecked.
  8. Here are the books which I found.
  9. The cat killed the rat that ate the corn.
  10. Bring me the books which are lying on the table.
  11. Here is the person whom you admire the most.
  12. I hate children who are cruel.
  13. Show me the knife that you have bought.
  14. He has not brought the knife that I asked for.
  15. Dogs soon know the people by whom they are treated kindly.

Worksheet – 5

Indefinite Pronoun and Relative Pronoun


Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns


  1. The house_______________you were referring to is under construction.
  2. __________you did is your problem.
  3. The man ________helped me was not a stranger.
  4. The bag _______________had the documents is missing.
  5. ______________you believe is none of my concern.
  6. He is the boy___________I admire.
  7. The place__________ I used to live in before has developed a lot.
  8. The hill station______________you visited last year has been destroyed by an earthquake.
  9. The trees ______________were growing close to one another did not attain much height.
  10. The Manager _________________was recruited last month is doing well.

Usage and  Composition


Ishu is deciding upon what message she will send to her friend in email. Use the given indefinite pronouns to complete the message


CLUE:- Box, nobody., something, someone, nothing,

Hi Airah


Did you hear that I had an accident yesterday I cut myself quite badly. I was at the swimming pool, and everyoneelse had gone home, but I wanted to swim a bit longer. Unfortunately, I trod on ____________ sharp and cut my foot. It was bleeding quite badly but I had _________ to wrap it in and, as I was there on my own, I had _______________ to ask for help. I looked for ______________ to help me, but there wasnt anyone around. Eventually, I managed to walk home on my own and my mother bandaged it up. Its still quite sore today. Are you okay


Love, Ishu

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