Tips for Personal Letters - How to create an Elegant Personal Letter?

How to Create an Elegant Personal Letter?

Tips for Personal Letters :- The first and foremost requirement of creating a personal letter is to make it personal. A personal letter is designed to form and cement a close rapport/relationship between the writer and the reader and make the reader feel that she/he has an informal and personal relation with the writer.

That is why you can’t have a template for a personal letter (that you can simply copy). You need to share something about your life that gives the reader a little insight into yourself, your values, your beliefs and, say, your personality. Personal letters are written by a person to her/his family andfriends.
An elegant personal letter is one that is written as if you speak to the person – updating him/her on what’s appened with you and expressing interest and concern about what is going on with them. Though there can’t be any rule for the length of the letter; yet, try to keep your letter upto a page or a page and a half only. Make your letter interesting and readable so that the reader feels associated with you.
Do not draw any conclusions – let the reader draw his/her own conclusions. An elegant personal letter is the one that creates a feeling of closeness between the writer and the reader. If possible, use your own personal stationery. If you don’t have it, use good quality blank, writing рaper.

Some Tips for Personal Letters

A Personal letters reveal close and informal relationship between the writer and the reader. In many of the books on letter writing, I don’t find use of any salutation to the reader. The writer begins the letter simply with.
“I received your letter on…………….. “OR “The postman has just delivered your letter………….” “I have received your letter just now.”OR “We received  your letter yesterday…………….”
but no mention of ‘Namaste/’Jai Shri Krishna, etc., is there,
Please note, a letter should be written in such an informal way that the reader feels as if you are sitting before him.

* If a son writes a letter to his mother whom he calls, ‘Baa, then he should greet her as follows:
My dear Baa, My loving Baa, etc.
* and if you are used to convey Jaikrishna’ to your mother whenever you meet her or there is a traditional way of saluting the elders in your house, then you must use:
 My dear Baa, Jaikrishna,
* If you are writing a letter to your grandmother, whom you call ‘Dadi Maa‘ then you should greet her as:
My dear Dadi Maa, Charan Sparsh,
*  ‘Charan Sparsh’ is a respectful salutation used generally in India.

How to begin a personal letter?

You can begin a letter with any of the following sentences :
(a) I received your letter yesterday and was delighted to know that.
(b) I have just received your letter and noted the contents.
(c) I got your letter and was delighted to know that you are coming here on the next Sunday.
(d) The courier/the postman has just delivered your letter.
(e) Everyone here was delighted to receive your much awaited letter yesterday.
(f) Your mother was filled with joy on receiving your letter yesterday.
(g) Your delayed letter has been received by us just now and has removed our anxiety about your well being

How to end a personal letter?


Closing line You may use any of the following sentences as a closing line.


(a) Please do write regularly.


(b) Hope to get your reply soon.


(c) Take care of your studies and do write every week without fail.


(d) Rest is fine. Convey my regards to Mom.


(e) I know you are very busy with your studies, yet you can just write a postcard.


(f) I expect you to write regularly in future.



Sample Letters :- Letters to Relatives


From a father giving advice to his son who has taken admission in a college



1/42, Aravali Vihar

Rajgarh (Alwar)

July 14, 2012


My dear son,



This is the first letter I am writing to you after you left for higher studies at the college. You are at the threshold of making and shaping your career. Ií you remain sincere to your studies, you will get what you desire.


These four years of sincerity and devotion to the studies are very important in shaping the career of a student. You are venturing into a new phase of life where you will have to take your own decisions. There is no one to tell you to study or play or watch TV.

You have to manage all your time by yourself. I know that you will not disappointment me with respect to your studies, but you are in your youth, and know little of the temptations and allurements with which if youth is beset

nowadays. The bad habits and evils which, caught during this period, can spoil not only your own career but can also destroy the hopes of your parents.


Companions influence one’s character greatly :


good companions make one’s character and bad companions mar one’s career. Choose the friends who are sincere, honest and industrious. Education plays very important role in the formation of character. Morals are of greater importance in life than material gains. Indolence is the worst habit that a student can form.


Remember, that doing nothing may do you even more harm. You may find plenty of books in your college library. Read history and biographies, both for instruction and amusement, if you Teer inclined for something lighter. I don’t want to say anything more, You are also a wise boy.



Remember :- the Heights, by the great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night.



Write to me regularly and unreservedly. Always look upon me as your best friend, hiding nothing, not even your mistakes or faults.


Your mother conveys you her fondest love.


Your affectionate father,

SC Gupta


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