India is a democratic country. Here, the government is run by the representatives of the people. The Prime Minister and other ministers are selected from among these representatives. Though the highest office is that of the President, yet the Prime Minister is the most powerful man in the country.
If a stroke of good luck elevates me to the high position of the Prime Minister of India, I shall put my ideas and ideals into practice. India has become a hot bed of corruption, it has spread like wild fire in every branch of administration. Every official from top to bottom has become corrupt.
You cannot get any work done in any office unless you grease the palms of the concerned officials. Even the businessmen indulge themselves in corrupt trade practices. They evade taxes and influence people in power. Nepotism has become the order of the day. I shall deal with smugglers, black-marketeers, hoarders, adulterators and bribery seekers with an iron hand. I shall do my utmost to eradicate corruption.
*As Prime Minister, I would not follow the policy of ‘divide and rule’ to win majority of votes. I shall curb the growing communal fights and riots, tensions and divisions. I would create job opportunities for all because an idle brain is the devil’s workshop. A hungry man is an angry man and a frustrated man is (becomes) a criminal.
Merit would be given the highest priority in giving jobs. Financial help would be given by my government to poor students to improve their career. I would devise effective means to eradicate the evil of dowry and to penalise those who torture the women. I would give top priority for the education and professional training of the women, the handicapped and the have-nots. I would evolve a uniform civil code for all. As Prime Minister, I would make my country strong, and self
reliant on every front. I would raise her prestige in the world cornmunity and make her a major world power in terms of defence. I would accelerate the pace of agricultural production and industrialisation and encourage exports to earn foreign
exchange. I would improve the living standards of the masses and minimise the disparity between the rich and the poor. I would make the education and training job oriented.
I would improve the standards of education and expand technical education to reduce underemployment and unemployment. I would promote small scale cottage industries to encourage self employment and check the migration of the rural persons to the urban areas.
As Prime Minister, I shall donate all my property to the nation and lead a simple life. I shall never give a loose rope to corrupt politicians. I would educate people about the horrors of population explosion. I would mechanise agriculture and start agro based industries to make agriculture profitable.
I would set up a network of hospitals and dispensaries in the whole country to keep the people healthy. I would secure national integration by making India secular in the real sense. I would organise the society on the basis of equality, liberty and fraternity.
As Prime Minister, I would maintain friendly relations with the neighbouring countries. I would not let any other country cast an evil eye upon our motherland. I would see that black money, is uncovered and used for national good. I would eradicate terrorism. I would restore moral and human values in every walk of our life. Don’t you think, I shall prove to be an efficient Prime Minister.
Representatives – प्रतिनिधि | Elevate-ऊपर उठाना । । Nepotism – भाई-भतीजावाद । Eradicate – उन्मूलन करना । Priorityवरीयता । Prestige – प्रतिष्ठा | Accelerate – बढ़ाना । Disparity | I 41 | Explosion – विस्फोट | Integration – एकत्रता का भाव । । । Fraternity – भाई-चारा | Efficient – कुशल ।
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