India launched her first space satellite ‘Aryabhatta’ on April 19, 1975 and took her first step into the portals of space Age. This space satellite was named after the great Indian astronomer and mathematician of the 5th Century.
It was launched from a Soviet cosmodrome with the help of a Soviet rocket. It marked India’s giant leap and made her the eleventh country to join the space club,
The second satellite ‘Bhaskara’ was launched on June 7, 1979. It was also launched from a Soviet Cosmdrome. It was named after two eminent personalities of the bygone age named Bhaskara I (the leading astronomer of the 6th Century) and Bhaskara II (an eminent astronomer and mathematician; who i was born in 1114 A.D..
‘Rohini’ followed ‘Bhaskara’. It was the first Indian satellite put into the space by SLV-III, an Indian rocket. It was blasted from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on July 18, 1980. Its weight was 35 kg. only.
Both of its devices (the satellite as well as the rocket) were indigenously developed by the scientists of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization). The success of the mission of SLV-III had brought in recognition of a space nation for India.
India’s fourth satellite Rohini-II (technically known as RS-D-I) was launched into space by the launch vehicle SLV-3 from Sriharikota on May 31, 1981. It weighed 38 kg. It was known as India’s first development rocket flight and was designed to provide useful data for 300 days.
It burnt in space on June 8, 1981 without completing its mission. Bhaskara II (the earth observation satellite) was India’s fifth satellite in space. It was launched on November 20, 1981 from Soviet Cosmodrome Volgograd. It was a notable event of India’s build up as a space nation.
Apple was launched with French co-ordination on June 19, 1981. It was an experimental geostationary communication satellite. With this India entered the domestic satellite Communication era.
India launched INSAT-IA on April 10, 1982 and joined the select group of technically advanced countries. Unfortunately, it met its doom on September 6, 1982.
India successfully launched Rohini Satellite (RS-D-2) on April 17, 1983. It opened new horizons for India. India’s ninth satellite INSAT-1B became fully operational from October 15, 1983.
It was the world’s first geo-stationary which combined multiple services-telecommunication, mass communication and meteorlogical one. It was launched from US Space Shuttle Challenger on August 31, 1983.
‘Anuradha’ is an Indian cosmic ray space experiment module. Its objective was to look into the mysteries from outer space which bombard the earth’s atmosphere.
On April 3, 1984, Sq. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian to undertake a space voyage.
The multipurpose INSAT-C was declared non-usable. in November 1989. INSAT-1D became operational on July 171, 1990. It became the kingpin of the country’s satellite based system. It provided telecommunication radio and television networking and round the clock weather monitoring.
The launching of INSAT’S. IRS’s, ASLV’s, PSLV’s have placed India in the exclusive club of four nations (USA, Russia, France and Israel).
On November 19, 1997, Dr. Kalpana Chawla, an Indian (or Indian American Woman) became the first Indian women to go into space on a 16 days mission to study the outer atmosphere of sun.
Vocabulary :
Portals – YA TATT I Satellite – 394€ Cosmodrome अंतरिक्ष-मंच | Indigenously – देशीय । Mission – नियोग । – – –
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